How do I calculate my district rating?

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District domain ratings are calculated using a proportionality method.  This methodology only considers campus enrollment counts for grades 3-12, excludes Not Rated and paired campuses, is applied to each domain, and includes campuses evaluated under alternative education accountability.  Step 1: Determine the number of students enrolled in grades 3-12 at the district at each campus in the TSDS-PEIMS October Snapshot.  Step 2: Sum the number of students enrolled in grades 3-12 at the district.  Step 3: Divide the number of grades 3-12 students at the campus by the district total.  The resulting percentage is the weight that each campus contributes to the district domain score.  Step 4: Multiply the campus domain scaled score b its weight to determine the points. Step 5: Sum the points for all campuses to determine the district's domain score.  Step 6:  Once you have all the domain scores, calculate the rating using the methodology of 70% of the highest of the Student Achievement or School Progress domain score and 30% of the Closing the Gaps domain score. **See the 2023 Accountability Manual on pages 54-55 for limits on overall ratings based on domain scores. 
